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Use this page to find support to get into work, or specific opportunities to find a new career.

Bootcamps and short courses

Bootcamps are short courses, co-designed with employers to teach you specific skills that employers are looking for. With a guaranteed interview at the end, they are a great opportunity to train in a new industry or progress in your existing career.


An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee also works towards a nationally recognised qualification. They are a good fit if you’d like to learn whilst you earn! They are open to all ages.

Support for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Opportunities for Under 25s

Opportunities for Over 50s

Find a Job

Across West London there are a number of free programmes of support available for those who are looking to get into work. These programmes are designed to help you find a job that suits you and your personal circumstances.

Skills Hubs

Skills Hubs are industry-focussed organisations that support you to find a career in the industry you’re interested in. From work experience to courses and careers advice, they can help you to find a job you love.